Logo de la Destination Paris-Saclay
Visit of the Orsay Botanical Garden
Jardin botanique, Orsay - Destination Paris Saclay
Events calendar

Tour bookings

What are you waiting for? Book your guided tour today! Whether you live here or you’re just visiting, come and discover the heart and soul of Paris-Saclay and unveil its secrets. All year long, treat yourselves to a getaway, for a unique experience in the Paris-Saclay destination! The professional guides and other talent of the destination will be delighted to share their knowledge. Our goal? To make sure you have a good time on our scientific, historic, industrial, cultural and nature tours. Whether you are coming as a family or with friends, there’s something for everyone, from the Pagoda to the SOLEIL Synchrotron facility.

17 results

Visite guidée du quartier de Moulon : entre histoire et architecture

Visite guidée du quartier de Moulon : entre histoire et architecture


Partez à la découverte de l'histoire de ce territoire devenu aujourd'hui le campus-urbain de Paris-Saclay. Un voyage dans le temps qui vous emmènera, de l'époque celte à l'aménagement actuel de la ZAC du quartier de Moulon.

Saturday 5 October 2024 between 2.30 pm and 4.30 pm.

Organisé par Destination Paris-Saclay

From 9.5€