Observatoire ornithologique des étangs de Saclay
Saclay01 69 41 02 83
L'observatoire ornithologique des étangs de Saclay est le lieu idéal pour observer les oiseaux à Paris-Saclay.
Are you looking for an outdoor activity, or something to do indoors when it’s raining? On this page, you’ll find all the leisure activities available in the Paris-Saclay urban area. Museums, Escape Rooms, historic sites, golf courses, etc. There’s something for everyone. Climb up to the top of the Tour de Montlhéry or go on a family day out to see the chickens, goats and rabbits at the educational farms. Visit a superb exhibition at the Château du Val Fleury in Gif-sur-Yvette or the Maison Atelier Foujita in Villiers-le-Bâcle.
Make the most of your stay here and soon enough, you’ll know everything there is to know about Paris-Saclay!
29 results
Saclay01 69 41 02 83
L'observatoire ornithologique des étangs de Saclay est le lieu idéal pour observer les oiseaux à Paris-Saclay.
Orsay01 76 91 56 80
UrbanSoccer Orsay is an indoor and five-a-side football complex with 4 indoor and 4 outdoor pitches. Ideal for matches with friends or colleagues.
Palaiseau01 69 33 35 64, 01 69 33 35 62
MUS'X, the Ecole Polytechnique museum, is open to the public for unguided visits from Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm and Saturdays from 9 am to 4 pm.
Vauhallan01 69 85 21 00
The Abbaye de Vauhallan is an abbey with two museums. One of them is devoted to the royal family of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, who were imprisoned at the Temple before being executed.
A chain of indoor split-level laser game centres for children and adults.Fog and other special effects.
Massy01 64 47 07 47
Located in a district under rapid development, Arkose Massy is a bouldering facility with a restaurant where you can enjoy seasonal dishes made from fresh ingredients, as well as a bar area.
Montlhéry01 69 80 95 35
An amusing educational facility where children move around in an interactive environment which stimulates learning.This indoor, air-conditioned facility of more than 1200 m² is suitable for children aged 1 to 12 years.
Gometz-le-Châtel01 60 12 25 98
Église Saint-Clair de Gometz-le-Châtel.L'église Saint-Clair sera ouverte les samedi et dimanche de 9h30 à 18h jusqu'au 11 octobre en visite libre.N'hésitez pas à pousser la porte et à entrer.
Palaiseau01 69 31 45 70
The Musée Palaisien du Hurepoix is a museum devoted to the former province of Hurepoix.
Wissous01 60 11 65 68
A sport and wellness hub!Sports and coaching complex and a venue for concerts and other events, with bar and restaurant. You'll be looked after here! Try the WTC experience!
Villiers-le-Bâcle07 84 81 93 66
La ferme du Bel Air is located in the heart of the village, with over two hectares of land divided into themed gardens, meadows and farm buildings. It is home to donkeys, goats, sheep, rabbits and poultry of all kinds...
The Ugolf Daily Golf club in Verrières-le-Buisson proposes a 9-hole course. The Daily Golf concept, now well established, is to find and train new golfers while continuing to meet the expectations of seasoned players.